This week in math we have been learning about Multiplication! Students are very excited to realize that they already know how to multiply numbers, because multiplication is really just the repeated addition of equal groups! We have been completing many different hands on activities, including the use of manipulatives, to learn how to draw, represent, and write multiplication sentences.
Next, we will learn about division!
In language arts we have started to talk about "persuasive writing." We read the book "I wanna new room" and learned about the purpose of persuasive writing. Tomorrow we will be reading another book by the same author, titled "I wanna iguana" and students will be practicing how to write their own persuasive writing piece on a pet that they would love to have!
In science we have been continuing with some different experiments and projects to learn about properties of air and water. Reminder, our QUIZ on properties of air and water will be on Friday! We will be having a class review tomorrow to prepare.
On Tuesday we discovered that air has mass! We placed 4 blown up balloons on one side of the scale, and 4 deflated balloons on the other side, and you can see that the blown up balloons are slightly heavier than the empty balloons; because there is air in the blown up balloons, and air has mass!
Today we had a challenge to test in the wind! Students were challenged to design and build a kite that would fly the highest in the air. Today we built and tested our designs. Although none of the models actually flew up into the air, students had lots of fun and engaged in meaningful and purposeful discussions when making their designs. I was impressed with their ideas and explanations of why they made their kites the way they did!