Thursday, 8 September 2016

What a busy and exciting first few days we have had!! We have been spending our days so far getting back into the routine of being at school.

   You may have figured out that our classroom is located in the port- a-pack this year, which can get quite hot with the extreme weather outside. Thank you for sending your child with water bottles to keep hydrated! We have also been escaping the heat by spending time in the library in the afternoons.

   An important note from the office went home today so please check your child`s mail folder.

  Here are a couple of the activities we have been working on this week:

Our first day included a read-aloud of the book "You're Finally Here." Students then wrote out and drew what they did during the summer months (or, what they were doing that kept Mrs. Miller waiting to meet them!)

Today students did amazing work to figure out some facts about Mrs. Miller!

And then students had a chance to put some information about themselves in numbers :)

I hope everybody has been enjoying the week as much as I have!
       Mrs. Miller 

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